Iris hartwegii subsp. australis (Parish) L.W.Lenz
Lenz, L. W. 1958. Aliso 4: 35.
Iris tenax var. australis (Parish) R.C.Foster
Foster, R. C. 1937. Contributions to Gray Herbarium 119: 19.
Iris hartwegii var. australis Parish
Parish, S. B. 1898. Erythea 6: 86.
Limniris australis (Parish) M.B.Crespo, Mart.-Azorín & Mavodiev
Crespo, M. B., M. Martínez-Azorín and E.V. Mavrodiev. 2015. Phytotaxa 232: 56.
Rhizome is 6–8 mm diameter. Stem unbranched, 8–30 cm tall. Leaves: basal are 7–10 mm wide usually with a pinkish base; there are 1–4 cauline that are similar to basal leaves. Inflorescence has 2 flowers; bracts subtending the 2 flowers (lower ones) are alternate about 9 cm apart and spreading when flower is open, the lowest bract is 7–12 cm long and 11–23 mm wide. Flowers are blue-violet to purple; the floral tube is 7–10 mm and barrel-shaped; a nectary is present within the floral tube and visible as a slightly yellow, fragile looking area; the three sepals are 4–7 cm long, 11–27 mm wide, and elliptical in shape, the sepals are horizontal and slightly reflexed; the three petals are 5–7 cm long, 5–14 mm wide, narrowly elliptical to elliptical in shape, and upright; the ovary is inferior (below the floral tube) and triangular; the fused portion of the style is within the floral tube and the free portion of the style has three upright petal-like branches that are 31–45 mm long, each with two crests that are 8–15 mm long, each style branch has a small triangular stigma where the crests originate; there are three stamens that are positioned between the sepals and style branches with the style branches arching over them; the filiments are free.
Flowering Time is May–June.
On dry slopes in pine forests of the San Bernardino and San Gabriel Mtns., Riverside and San Bernardino Counties, Southern California, USA at elevations from 1600-2300 m.